Visual Facilitation Training Courses
Intro to Bikablo Amplified
Kick off with an introduction to the bikablo® method plus a visual warm up to experience the power of using simple shapes to create images - the foundation of visual language!
Mighty Maps
Maps are one of the most effective visual tools that you can use. Whether you want to build a strategy, figure out a problem, visualise a customer journey, process, or do some reflecting, maps are a fantastic way to bring clarity and solve problems!
2 Day Bikablo Basics
Level up your facilitation, presentation, training and coaching by adding simple and powerful drawing skills with the bikablo® method on this 2-day training course!
1 Day Bikablo Basics
Learn the key elements of the visual language and how to combine effectively to create posters in this 1 day course!
Find out when the next bikablo® and WorkVisible Studios courses are running and book your place!
Bikablo Advanced
Take your visual facilitation skills to the next level - learn how to tell visual stories using the hero’s journey, draw more dynamic and interesting people, visualise and capture conversations in real time and more!