Making Work

Visualise your work -
bring your business to life!


A lot of businesses find it tricky to communicate what they do and why, and so do we! It’s no surprise. Businesses are complex and each one is different.

That’s why we help you to communicate your big visions through a single ‘rich picture’.

Everything from your value proposition, a journey, a partnership, a business process, your company structure, what you do and how, your balanced scorecards and more, can be visualised and made simple.

Use your visual on your website, press release and to support a variety of client and internal conversations.

At Emergn, we believe in essential practices, and the visualization of work is core which is why visualizing a strategy is vital to effectively communicating what you say you will do. WorkVisible has helped us bring many aspects of our business to life by helping us visualize the things that center our business and enabling us to be better communicators to our teams.

– Alex Adamopoulos, CEO, Emergn

Why visualise your work?


A visual of your product, service, offering or process helps to communicate its value by ten fold... Here are some of the many benefits…


Have a Shared Understanding

Put simply - it gets everyone on the same page. Visualising helps you to simplify key messages and make them stick. So that your employees, customers or investors, can clearly grasp what you want to communicate.


Create a North Star

Creating a strategic visualisation can act as a "North Star”. Giving a clear “big picture” reference point for a team, department or an entire organisation to follow and work towards.


Bring it to Life

Whether it’s a business strategy, purpose, value proposition (or anything else!) they can often feel very abstract and difficult to grasp even if they are well developed. Visualisation brings these to life, taking these abstract ideas and strategies and turning them into something tangible.


Clarity in the process

When we create a strategic visualisation for a company, it almost always involves a workshop. These are focused on creating clarity around what the key messages are. As we move through the process of the workshop and creating the visuals it creates more and more clarity around the topic.


Stand out from the crowd

Every business is different. From your products and services to your company values. Highlighting your unique advantages in a single picture will help to attract new customers and talent and make them stay or keep them coming back.


Make strategic decisions

Visuals can be used as a tool for decision-making. Seeing the ‘big picture’ in front of you can help you to prioritise features, benefits or investments that align with the core value you want to deliver to your customers faster than without a visual.


Solve problems creatively

A visual can spark innovation. They make it easier to see connections. For example, how product features or enhancements link to the overall value delivered to customers. This can encourage teams to think creatively, leading to the development of new features or offerings.


Strengthen your brand

Pictures tell a story. They can guide people through a narrative that makes it easy to follow a series of events or concepts. They can help to double down on your brand guidelines and aid consistent messaging across all your business comms.


Put the customer at the heart

Visualising how your products or services solve customer problems will help you to keep improving your offerings. It’s a reference point you can all gather around and visit often. Support your customer by adding the visual to user guides and tutorials.




There are a number of steps involved when we are visualising. These can vary from project to project - but here is how we usually go about tackling your project…


1. Planning

We kick-off with a remote or in-person planning session with the key people involved in your project. We learn all about your project and help you to draw out the gold - the key messages - based on your company’s chosen focus for the visualisation.

2. Concepts

We spend time visually summarising what we’ve heard and come up with drawings that capture your key messages. We process and share the drawings, then we get together for a call on where to go next.

3. Clarity

If we need more clarity on the key messages, we get together for a second, and maybe even third workshop - whatever it takes to get your message right!


4. Production

Now we’re ready to create a full draft layout based on the development sketches. Once it’s ready, we deliver it to you digitally. After we’ve reached a layout that you’re happy with, we’ll create the finished strategic visualisation.



Our clients love to see the process - and so we can record a video of us sketching out the full final layout at super fast speed. If you like, you can record a voiceover to add to the video and use as promo material for your project.

Original Visualisation

Not only do many hours go into drawing the visualisation. For some CEO’s and C-suite team members, the visualisation is an emblem of years of hard work in building their business and so they purchase the original artwork to display in their company HQ or home.

Printed Copies

Physical copies of the visualisation are often displayed in rooms across a company’s various locations. You can arrange to have high quality prints of the visualisation created and delivered to you, at any size.

Additional Workshops

Since the initial planning session brings great clarity, our clients will sometimes ask to go through a similar process for other areas of their business such as strategy workshops, quarterly planning sessions and more.



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